Members of Parliament are

Members of Parliament are

All citizens have the right to file petitions with state agencies under the conditions prescribed by law. The statutes and treaties at the time this Constitution came into force shall remain in effect as long as they do not violate this Constitution. When the Constitutional Court makes a decision on the unconstitutionality of a law, a decision on impeachment, a decision on the dissolution of a political party, or a decision on acknowledgment of a constitutional complaint, the concurrence of at least six judges is required. This Constitution shall come into force on February 25, 1988. However, the enactment and amendment of laws necessary for the enforcement of this Constitution, the election of the President and the National Assembly pursuant to this Constitution, and other preparations for the enforcement of this Constitution may be made prior to the enforcement of this Constitution. All citizens have the right to equal education according to ability. All citizens have the duty to ensure that their children under their care receive at least비아그라 전문 사이트 elementary education and the education prescribed by law.

the president is the head of state

The freedoms and rights of the people shall not be despised for reasons not enumerated in the Constitution. When the National Assembly requests the lifting of martial law with the consent of a majority of its members, the President shall lift it. A person who has received a resolution for impeachment shall be suspended from exercising his/her authority until an impeachment adjudication is made. The State shall establish and implement necessary plans, such as comprehensive development of agricultural and fishing villages and their support, in order to protect and foster agriculture and fisheries. When it is necessary to continue to spend beyond one fiscal year, the Government shall determine the period and obtain a resolution of the National Assembly as continuing expenses. The Board of Audit and Inspection consists of 5 or more and 11 or less members of the Audit Committee, including the president. The term of office of members of the National Assembly at the time of promulgation of this Constitution shall be until the day before the first meeting of the National Assembly 시알리스사이트 pursuant to paragraph (1).

extension of the president's term

The President is elected through universal, equal, direct and secret ballot by the people. Judges shall not be removed from office unless impeached or sentenced to imprisonment without prison labor or a heavier punishment, and shall not be subject to suspension, pay reduction or other unfavorable dispositions except by disciplinary measures. The heads of each administrative department are appointed by the President from among the members of the State Council on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. The economic order of the Republic of Korea is based on respecting the economic freedom and creativity of individuals and corporations. Meetings of the National Assembly are open to the public. However, it may not be disclosed when there is a majority of the members present or when the chairman deems it necessary for national security. The President shall promulgate without delay the laws finalized pursuant to the provisions of paragraphs 4 and 5. If the President does not promulgate within five days after a law becomes final under paragraph (5) or after a final law under paragraph (4) is transferred to the government, 비아그라KOR the Speaker of the National Assembly shall promulgate it.